Day 9: Grow It

Hey Everyone, Its Eric from the 30 Days Gang, here with your Day 9 Challenge!

One of the biggest revelations over the past year for me was the lack of prep in regards to seeds and growing my own food. I realized that while I grow a garden each year, and freeze and can a little of my own food, I was totally unprepared for having plant starts for each year. I found it difficult to find the plants I was looking for in the normal fashions, as well that made me feel safe.

It got me thinking about if I needed to grow my own food, what would I do? I realized I needed to start thinking about having some seeds on hand and come up with a better plan to starting and growing my own food. Over the past year, I have made some progress in stocking up on seeds for many of the vegetables I usually grow, however I know that may not be enough. I recently moved, and as I work to landscape my new yard, I am working on how I can work fruit trees and other items into my new yard.

DAY 9 Challenge:1-3, or 5 pts      For your day 9 challenge, we want you to think about your food sources. Have you identified ways of growing your own food and have you taken steps if needed? Even living in an apartment, there are ways to effectively grow a few vegetables. Do you can, freeze, preserve any of your own food? If not… we want you to research what options you may have.

Level Up: 5 pts For today’s level up… we want you to think about what other options you would have. Do you have skills to forage for food if needed? Do you have ways of identifying plants and knowing what is edible and what might be dangerous. Share with us what you use to identify plants and some foraging ideas. As always, pics and videos are more desired!!


Find Allies:  Recruit friends and family members to play 30 Days, 30 Ways…. Challenge your family, your place of work or school, your place of worship, your neighborhood and your community to take the 30 Days challenge! Build Your Network!!  Each day a person you recruit completes a 30 Days 30 Ways task, your points double for that days task. The more individuals you convince to play, the more points you can earn for each days challenge.

PROOF OF COMPLETION:  There are 3 ways you can complete this task:

  1. Put your answer on our Facebook Fan Page or
  2. Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets.
  3. Email us at

You Have until MIDNIGHT on September 30th to complete this task. Contest rules and more information on the #30Days30WaysChallenge  can be found here:

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