Task 24: Nighty Night

images (38)Disasters don’t just show up when we are ready.  In most cases they seem to hit us at those moments when we are the least prepared.  We talk a lot about having an emergency kit for your home, car and workplace, but what happens if the emergency happens while you are sleeping? Could you navigate in the dead of night, in darkness, debris and shards of glass in your way to safely get out of your home?  Would you be injured by that debris or glass before you got out?  Today we want to focus on being prepared… while you are in bed!!


2 Pts –  Show us how you are prepared for an emergency, if it happened while you were sleeping.  What do you keep near your bed?

Bonus:  Collect locations in your area of possible locations you can stay if evacuated.  Where would you go?

LETS START A CONVERSATION!  Add the following “Twibbon” to your Facebook, or Twitter Profile Picture!!  Thanks to our friends at Sacramento County Office  Emergency Services, with a couple clicks you can show your support for National Preparedness Month!!  Click the picture to add the Twibbon to your accounts!!


PROOF OF COMPLETION:  There are 4 ways you can complete this task:

  1. Leave a comment with your answer in it on our blog below
  2. Email us at info@30Days30ways.com
  3. Put your answer on our Facebook Fan Page or
  4. Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets.

You Have until MIDNIGHT on September 30th to complete this task. Contest rules and more information on the #30Days30WaysChallenge  can be found here:

Note:  If you are receiving this via email, go to www.30days30ways.com to answer