Day 23: Your Home Hazard Hunt

Hey Everyone, Eric from the 30 Days Gang, here with today’s challenge.

If you look at FEMA’s webpage,, one of the first things they tell ya.. is “Make a Kit, Make a Plan” and while I think these are important steps… I think we often overlook an important first piece…. How can you make a kit or make a plan, if you don’t know what hazards you may have in your area? What risks might you face when it comes to an emergency or disaster?

In past years, we always focused on those natural and human caused disasters or emergencies….those catastrophes.. like we see in the disaster movies. But with a global pandemic that’s kept us closer to home and well even locked in our homes for months, we wanted to focus even more where we spend the most of our time… Our Homes… While I felt I was pretty stocked up on supplies to keep me comfortable in my home, it also made me realize we have many hazards around our homes that we often overlook and don’t think about… from an extension chord that had too many things plugged in, to items not secured correctly or placed in a bad location that would hinder me during an earthquake.

DAY 23 Challenge:1-3, or 5 pts    For today’s challenge, we want you you to go on a hazard hunt… in your home. Share with us what you may have found, and actions you can take to minimize or remove those hazards. Take a pic or video to share with others. No shaming here, and you may help someone else make their homes safer.

Level Up: 5 pts For Today’s level up.. we want you to step outside your home, and take a look at the exterior of your home… and the neighborhood around you. What risks or potential hazards are within walking distance of your home? For instance, in my neighborhood, there is a small power transfer station within 3 blocks of my home. Share with us and draw a generic map of your neighborhood to share with us your neighborhood hazards

Find Allies:  Recruit friends and family members to play 30 Days, 30 Ways…. Challenge your family, your place of work or school, your place of worship, your neighborhood and your community to take the 30 Days challenge! Build Your Network!!  Each day a person you recruit completes a 30 Days 30 Ways task, your points double for that days task. The more individuals you convince to play, the more points you can earn for each days challenge.

PROOF OF COMPLETION:  There are 3 ways you can complete this task:

  1. Put your answer on our Facebook Fan Page or
  2. Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets.
  3. Email us at

You Have until MIDNIGHT on September 30th to complete this task. Contest rules and more information on the #30Days30WaysChallenge  can be found here:

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