Day 25: iVolunteer

Hey everyone, Eric here with your Day 25 challenge.

Each year we usually take at least one day to focus on volunteering and giving back to your community. The past year and a half made that a little more difficult but many volunteer programs are rebooting and so its the perfect time for all of us to rethink where and how we volunteer our time and talents.

The important thing is realizing that our communities are stronger when we are involved and find ways to give back more than just our dollars.

DAY 25 Challenge:1-3, or 5 pts    For today’s challenge, we want you to tell us about any volunteering you do to support your community. Share with us why you choose to volunteer where you do. Please share a pic of you volunteering or a video about why you volunteer where you do.

Level Up: 5 pts For today’s level up, here is your chance to help recruit new volunteers for the cause… Create a short video, (2 minutes or less) highlighting volunteer opportunities and why others should join you!

For both of today’s challenges, while we would like to focus more on those organizations that assist public safety, we know they are not for everyone. Feel free to share any legal volunteer activity you are involved with.

Find Allies:  Recruit friends and family members to play 30 Days, 30 Ways…. Challenge your family, your place of work or school, your place of worship, your neighborhood and your community to take the 30 Days challenge! Build Your Network!!  Each day a person you recruit completes a 30 Days 30 Ways task, your points double for that days task. The more individuals you convince to play, the more points you can earn for each days challenge.

PROOF OF COMPLETION:  There are 3 ways you can complete this task:

  1. Put your answer on our Facebook Fan Page or
  2. Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets.
  3. Email us at

You Have until MIDNIGHT on September 30th to complete this task. Contest rules and more information on the #30Days30WaysChallenge  can be found here:

Note:  If you are receiving this via email, go to to answer.