What is 30 Days 30 Ways?

30 Days, 30 Ways is a disaster preparedness game that started in 2010 by the Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency (CRESA) in Vancouver, Washington.Each September, we post one simple readiness task each day.

Each day will have a different emergency preparedness theme and a daily winner will be selected from among the participants.

You can enter as many times as you would like.

Entries will be judged on their creativity, their relevance to the day’s theme and importance of the message.

Who Plays This Game?

Anyone is welcome to play.

Whether you have emergency services experience or not, we want people to consider each of these tasks and evaluate their own personal readiness.

We will all face crisis moments in our lives.

From encountering a car accident to learning of the loss of a loved one, these tasks will help you acquire some skills and be a little more ready to take on those difficult days.

When Does The Game Start?

Join us beginning September 1st!