It’s Almost Time!

Hey Everyone, Its Eric from the 30 Days, 30 Ways gang.. and tomorrow we kick off our 11th annual 30 Days, 30 Ways Challenge!!

Who would have imagined when this little preparedness challenge was started 11 years ago we would still be going all of these years later?

For those of you stumbling across this video and wondering what this game is all about, well, here ya go..

September happens to be National Preparedness Month. In an effort to help encourage a disaster resilient culture, during the month we will give you one simple preparedness challenge each day for 30 Days.. You can complete as many or as few challenges as you like. AND you have all month to complete as many challenges as you can! All entries need to be submitted by midnight on Sept 30th Pacific TIme Zone!

For each days task, you will have the basic task, a level up for those who want a bit more of a challenge. Don’t worry, there is something for everyone in the 30 Days Challenge, no matter if you are completely new to thinking about getting prepared, or if you are a lifetime prepper!

Also, this challenge awards points… and the more points you are awarded, the better chance you have at winning one of our Amazon Gift Cards at the end of the Month! A great way to add extra points is by recruiting allies to take the challenge with you… For every challenge they complete… you get points also!!

This year may look a little different with some of the challenges… COVID-19 has impacted us all, and that includes the time preparing for this game.

There are 3 ways you can complete this task:
Put your answer on our Facebook Page or

Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets. or

Email us at

This game is meant to be social… and we hope you join us online as we learn and share with each other.. Lets get ready for 30 Days, 30 Ways 2020!