Day 21: Your #1 Safety Tool

For many, our cell phones are much more than phones… These days, the little devices we carry with us are a mini computer, camera, calculator, video camera, alarm clock, day planner, and much more all rolled into one.. They have become lifelines to connect with those close to us. Who would have thought back when they were introduced, and started to become popular, technology would be where it is today? I still remember when I got my first bag phone, back in the early 90’s… anyone remember those?

With all the uses these little devices already have in our daily lives, we thought it was a perfect opportunity to add one more… How to make your cell phone your No. 1 safety tool!

I have a back up battery pack on my phone… I carry a back up battery with me all of the time, inside the case I can hide emergency money. I have added contact info to my screensaver. I also have several apps on my phone that provide critical information when I may need it from first aid to a scanner radio app to provide critical info. I have photos and backed up files of important docs regarding my home, and health stored as well as important contacts that can be contacted in case something happens and someone needs to get ahold of my family.

DAY 21 Challenge:1-3, or 5 pts    We want you to share some what makes your phone your No. 1 Safety Tool. Additionally share with us how you will keep it charged if we lose power. Please be generic in your responses to not share any vital information but give broad ideas that might help someone else think of new ways of using their phone as a safety tool.

Level Up: 5 pts For today’s level up, we want you to do some research. We want you to dig a little more, and share apps, and additional ways your phone can be a great safety tool. Provide links or create a video highlighting suggestions to help someone make sure they have info stored safely on their phone in case of an emergency.

Find Allies:  Recruit friends and family members to play 30 Days, 30 Ways…. Challenge your family, your place of work or school, your place of worship, your neighborhood and your community to take the 30 Days challenge! Build Your Network!!  Each day a person you recruit completes a 30 Days 30 Ways task, your points double for that days task. The more individuals you convince to play, the more points you can earn for each days challenge.

PROOF OF COMPLETION:  There are 3 ways you can complete this task:

  1. Put your answer on our Facebook Fan Page or
  2. Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets.
  3. Email us at

You Have until MIDNIGHT on September 30th to complete this task. Contest rules and more information on the #30Days30WaysChallenge  can be found here:

Note:  If you are receiving this via email, go to to answer.