2017 April Monthly Challenge

As we announced in December, this year we are launching monthly challenges for a deeper dive into preparedness.  We will be picking a topic and in turn hoping you help create a real dialogue around that subject for the month.

April’s Topic:

So far this month, we have looked at water, food, and where you get your information. This month we want to talk about preparedness beyond your home. We want to dive into preparing your neighborhoods AS a neighborhood.

Knowing Your Neighborhood:

After the 2011 Japan earthquake, studies found that communities that were more connected actually bounced back quicker and better than those communities that were not nearly as connected to each other.  Growing up, I remember knowing all of the neighbors around me. Each house in the neighborhood, had phone numbers for everyone else in an old fashioned phone tree.  Neighbors looked out for one another, and even let neighbors know when they would be out of town to help keep an eye on their place while they were gone.   As a child, I may not have been a big fan of this system, because these same neighbors made sure my parents knew if I did something I shouldn’t.  Today, even with modern technology, I still try to stay connected with neighbors.  Through Facebook, Next Door, and good old fashioned phone numbers I try to stay connected with neighbors and in turn we look out for each other when needed.


For years we have been talking about preparing for emergencies encouraging individuals to make a kit and a plan.  Part of that plan has been encouraging individuals to consider using Map Your Neighborhood to better know what resources you may have right around you.   We truly believe Neighborhoods that Prepare Together will be better off when that disaster may strike

Examine Your Answers:

This month we want you to look at how well you are connected to your neighborhood and those that live around you.

  • Have you introduced yourself to at least three neighbors, and have you created a phone tree or another way to communicate with them if needed?
  • Have you talked to your neighbors about emergency preparedness?
  • Have you discussed potentially what each may offer and what they may need?
  • Have you Mapped Your Neighborhood or used a similar model to get to know who lives around you?
  • If not, what fears do you have about starting that conversation?

Sharing With Others:

Several studies have shown that a very small cross-section of this country are actually prepared for emergencies.  Today we start changing that!!  We want you to think about what motivated you to start becoming better prepared for emergencies.  Why did you make a conscious effort to prepare your family?  What motivated you?  What keeps you motivated?  Have you shared that motivation with others?

Helping Others:

Has how  we have been going about “telling” folks what they need to be better prepared for emergencies working?  What if they personally are struggling with basic needs of shelter and or putting food on the table to feed their family?  How does our message make a difference in their lives?  What can we do to change this?  Your challenge is to think about what you can do to help make a change, and put it into action!

We cannot wait to hear each and everyone’s ideas and approaches.  Throughout the month, we will be checking in to see how each of you are doing and what ideas and solutions you may have come up with to move the conversation along!

PROOF OF COMPLETION:  There are 3 ways you can complete this task:

  1. Put your answer on our Facebook Fan Page or
  2. Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets
  3. Email us at info@30Days30ways.com

We suggest all comments and response be made on the 30Days30ways Facebook page to help stir a conversation, however you can also email us at info@30days30ways.com

2017 March Monthly Challenge

As we announced in December, this year we are launching monthly challenges for a deeper dive into preparedness.  We will be picking a topic and in turn hoping you help create a real dialogue around that subject for the month.

March’s Topic:

In January and February we took a look at food and water.  Items we will all need for survival.  This month, we want to switch gears a bit and talk about how you receive emergency information, along with your thoughts about which systems you believe are the quickest and easiest for you to receive emergency information.

Getting Your Information:

In a world where information is available now 24/7, we can easily be bombarded with information overload.  Yet, its critical we stay connected at some level.  From newspapers, radio, television, to the internet and now social media, there are plenty of options to gather our information.  This month we want to look at your information gathering techniques and examine if how you get your information on a daily basis matches with your expectations during a disaster. We have created a short survey regarding different methods of receiving information.  Please take a moment and complete the following survey:







Information – Alert and Warning Survey.


Examine Your Answers:

After completing our survey, was there anything you discovered about your responses that caught you off guard?  Were there option listed you hadn’t thought of?  Were there options you thought of not listed?  As you went through the options, did you wonder how your family or loved ones would answer these questions?

Sharing With Others:

Several studies have shown that a very small cross-section of this country are actually prepared for emergencies.  Today we start changing that!!  We want you to think about what motivated you to start becoming better prepared for emergencies.  Why did you make a conscious effort to prepare your family?  What motivated you?  What keeps you motivated?  Have you shared that motivation with others?

Helping Others:

Has how  we have been going about “telling” folks what they need to be better prepared for emergencies working?  What if they personally are struggling with basic needs of shelter and or putting food on the table to feed their family?  How does our message make a difference in their lives?  What can we do to change this?  Your challenge is to think about what you can do to help make a change, and put it into action!

We cannot wait to hear each and everyone’s ideas and approaches.  Throughout the month, we will be checking in to see how each of you are doing and what ideas and solutions you may have come up with to move the conversation along!

PROOF OF COMPLETION:  There are 3 ways you can complete this task:

  1. Put your answer on our Facebook Fan Page or
  2. Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets
  3. Email us at info@30Days30ways.com

We suggest all comments and response be made on the 30Days30ways Facebook page to help stir a conversation, however you can also email us at info@30days30ways.com

2017 February Monthly Challenge

2017 February Monthly Challenge

As we announced in December, this year we are launching monthly challenges for a deeper dive into preparedness.  We will be picking a topic and in turn hoping you help create a real dialogue around that subject for the month.

February’s Topic:  Non-Perishable Food

In January, we took a look at one of the most important items for survival we will all need.  Its also one of those items that can for most of us in the United States be easily acquired for our kits.  This month, we are gonna take a good hard look at something that may be a little harder for some to secure and keep on hand.  We are very much aware of economical barriers for some regarding having extra food on hand for emergencies.  This month we want to look at the many different options in how one can store food, and what someone should have.

How do you do Emergency Food Rations?

When looking at emergency food rations, one of the first things to look at is how one goes about it.  Are you canning, preserving, or stocking up on items and rotating from your pantry?  Do you buy pales of  food rations shelf stable for many years?  Do you buy freeze dried food to have on hand?  If so did you account for water requirements last month?

Examine Storage Options:

Once you have determined the best option for you and your family, where do you store those items?  Will they be readily available if a disaster happens?  Will they potentially be damaged?  Did you consider temp change when choosing your location? How do you make sure items are not expired?  How often do you check?  How often do you rotate?  What do you do with the items as they get close to expiration dates?

Sharing With Others:

Several studies have shown that a very small cross-section of this country are actually prepared for emergencies.  Today we start changing that!!  We want you to think about what motivated you to start becoming better prepared for emergencies.  Why did you make a conscious effort to prepare your family?  What motivated you?  What keeps you motivated?  Have you shared that motivation with others?

Helping Others:

Has how  we have been going about “telling” folks what they need to be better prepared for emergencies working?  What if they personally are struggling with basic needs of shelter and or putting food on the table to feed their family?  How does our message make a difference in their lives?  What can we do to change this?  Your challenge is to think about what you can do to help make a change, and put it into action!


We cannot wait to hear each and everyone’s ideas and approaches.  Throughout the month, we will be checking in to see how each of you are doing and what ideas and solutions you may have come up with to move the conversation along!

PROOF OF COMPLETION:  There are 3 ways you can complete this task:

  1. Put your answer on our Facebook Fan Page or
  2. Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets
  3. Email us at info@30Days30ways.com

We suggest all comments and response be made on the 30Days30ways Facebook page to help stir a conversation, however you can also email us at info@30days30ways.com

2017 January Monthly Challenge

As we announced in December, this year we are launching monthly challenges for a deeper dive into preparedness.  We will be picking a topic and in turn hoping you help create a real dialogue around that subject for the month.

Our First Topic:  Water

As a staple we all need daily, we think its a good place to start based on the importance to having not only fresh drinking water but water for cooking, sanitation and more.  Lets take an in depth look at how we normally look at water.

How much Water do you really use daily?

The first part of our challenge is for each of us to really examine how much water each household uses daily.  We are challenging you each to keep a log for at least a week in documenting how much and in what ways your household uses water the most frequently.  After doing this little research project, we want to know if the recommended amount of 1 gallon per person per day would really be enough to sustain your household for an extended period of time.

Examine Water Sources and Storage Options:

Throughout the years we have been doing this preparedness challenge, we have heard some unique and creative ideas on where to find water sources within your household, and how and where to store it.  Lets take a closer look at what sources you have access to, and where you can actually store water.   We want you to take a few days and take a look at your household.  Think creatively at where you could potentially store water in your home.

Sharing With Others:

Several studies have shown that a very small cross-section of this country are actually prepared for emergencies.  Today we start changing that!!  We want you to think about what motivated you to start becoming better prepared for emergencies.  Why did you make a conscious effort to prepare your family?  What motivated you?  What keeps you motivated?  Have you shared that motivation with others?

Helping Others:

Recently, for whatever reason, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory has been popping up in a few different projects I am working on.  This has gotten me thinking about the methods we have been going about “telling” folks what they need to be better prepared for emergencies, yet what if they personally are struggling with basic needs of shelter and or putting food on the table to feed their family?  How does our message make a difference in their lives?  What can we do to change this?  Your challenge is to think about what you can do to help make a change, and put it into action!


We cannot wait to hear each and everyone’s ideas and approaches.  Throughout the month, we will be checking in to see how each of you are doing and what ideas and solutions you may have come up with to move the conversation along!

PROOF OF COMPLETION:  There are 3 ways you can complete this task:

  1. Put your answer on our Facebook Fan Page or
  2. Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets
  3. Email us at info@30Days30ways.com

We suggest all comments and response be made on the 30Days30ways Facebook page to help stir a conversation, however you can also email us at info@30days30ways.com

2017 Will Bring Changes and Preparedness Challenges

Happy Holidays Everyone!  We hope since we chatted last time, you have kept up your preparedness habits and with the holidays just around the corner, you have found someway to add preparedness and helping others into your busy activities.

The last time we chatted, we mentioned a new twist coming in 2017… With the new year just around the corner, its time to let you in on the secret!!   Beginning in January, we will launch one preparedness challenge each month throughout the year!!

What to Expect:

This challenge will focus on the bigger issues or items that we feel should be a critical part of anyone’s preparedness preparations.  This new monthly challenge will hopefully help us dive deeper into many of the items on your preparedness list.

We are also hoping this new monthly challenge will create a conversation regarding how to achieve many of these items no matter of socioeconomic factors.  We will be talking not only about your preparation, but how you can help influence those around you, which just may be the key to changing the attitude nationally regarding the importance about being prepared.

For those that look forward to our annual game, no worries.  September will still bring our annual preparedness challenge just as in previous years, with challenges each day of the month.

When It Starts:

On the 1st of each month beginning in January, we will post our topic and challenge for the month.

We are excited to expand our challenge in 2017 and look forward to you joining in starting January 1st!! 

And The Winners Are:

download-11We want to again thank everyone who participated in this years 30 Days, 30 Ways Challenge.  As we announce this years winners, one of the things we love about this challenge is that you can play along each day, catch up every few days, or even submit all of your entries the last day!


This Year’s winners used not only detailed lists to provide their responses but some creative videos and pictures to back up their answers.  Below are our top four challenge participants:

Georgiana (Jana) G.

Katie S.

Carolyn O-B.

Thomas B.


If your name is on the list above, please contact us via email so we can send you an amazon gift card code for your awesome participation!

Thank You!!

We just want to thank everyone who participated in this year’s 30 Days 30 Ways Challenge!  We had a great time bringing you the challenge and look forward to starting next years preparations.

We are busily working on finalizing points for everyone who participated in the challenge, and should be connecting with winners within the next week.  At that time we will announce the winners.

This Challenge would not be nearly as successful if it was not for all of our Community Partners and Sponsors!  We would especially like to thank the Emergency Kit Cook Off and 30 Days, 30 Ways UK, for once again partnering with us to bring a couple special daily challenges. images (59)

As we finish up this year’s challenge, we hope you all stay tuned as we will be adding a new twist to the challenge in 2017!!  Stay tuned for that announcement in December!!


Task 30: What Did We Miss?

images (44)We are at the end of another National Preparedness Month and 30 Days, 30 Ways Challenge.  We hope everyone who played, watched, and lurked throughout the month gained something from the challenge.  As we mentioned at the beginning of the month, we created this challenge in hopes of changing behaviors about being prepared for emergencies.    We hope just because the month is over, your desire to be prepared is just getting started.  

Look for a new twist to 30 Days, 30 Ways for 2017 coming in December!!  We cannot to wait to share a new twist on the challenge.

As we say good bye for another year, We want to say thank you to everyone who took the challenge.  From those that this was your first year, to those that have been with us since the beginning, we cannot say THANK YOU enough!!





2 Pts –    Each Year we try to mix it up and keep it fresh… what is something we didn’t cover this year that you believe is important and want to share with other?

Bonus:  Create a task around the topic we didn’t cover.  Who know’s you may be part of our Challenge next year!!

LETS START A CONVERSATION!  Add the following “Twibbon” to your Facebook, or Twitter Profile Picture!!  Thanks to our friends at Sacramento County Office  Emergency Services, with a couple clicks you can show your support for National Preparedness Month!!  Click the picture to add the Twibbon to your accounts!!


PROOF OF COMPLETION:  There are 4 ways you can complete this task:

  1. Leave a comment with your answer in it on our blog below
  2. Email us at info@30Days30ways.com
  3. Put your answer on our Facebook Fan Page or
  4. Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets.

You Have until MIDNIGHT on September 30th to complete this task. Contest rules and more information on the #30Days30WaysChallenge  can be found here:

Note:  If you are receiving this via email, go to www.30days30ways.com to answer

Task 29: Coffee, Jelly Beans, and No Broccoli

images (42)

When I chat to folks about what to have in their preparedness kit, I always mention the importance of trying or being familiar with the items in your emergency kit ahead of time.  Nothing is worse than being in the middle of a disaster and you are looking for the instructions in how to assemble something for your safety, or your stuck eating something from your kit that tastes like cardboard and makes you sick.

We all have items that we like and don’t like when it comes to food items.  President Reagan was well known for his love of jelly beans, and President H.W. Bush was just as well known for his dislike of broccoli.

Having some of those comfort items around during an emergency can make all the difference in the world and keep your mental outlook with a positive focus when you need it most.



2 Pts –  Share with us what your comfort item or food is… How much do you keep on hand?  Do you have enough to get you through 3 days? 7 Days? 10 Days? More??

Bonus:  What type of shelf life does your comfort item have?  Can and do you keep alternative versions of your favorite available?

LETS START A CONVERSATION!  Add the following “Twibbon” to your Facebook, or Twitter Profile Picture!!  Thanks to our friends at Sacramento County Office  Emergency Services, with a couple clicks you can show your support for National Preparedness Month!!  Click the picture to add the Twibbon to your accounts!!


PROOF OF COMPLETION:  There are 4 ways you can complete this task:

  1. Leave a comment with your answer in it on our blog below
  2. Email us at info@30Days30ways.com
  3. Put your answer on our Facebook Fan Page or
  4. Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets.

You Have until MIDNIGHT on September 30th to complete this task. Contest rules and more information on the #30Days30WaysChallenge  can be found here:

Note:  If you are receiving this via email, go to www.30days30ways.com to answer

Task 28: Helping Neighbors

images (41)Today happens to be National Good Neighbor Day.  We just couldn’t pass up up the opportunity to tie that in with this years challenge.  When we talk preparedness, after the kit, and after the plan, comes “get involved.”   To us that means getting to know your neighbors. It means checking on your neighbors. It means becoming a neighborhood.  It means bringing neighbors together for programs like Map Your Neighborhood or even CERT training. And today that starts with introducing yourself to neighbors.


2 Pts –  Do you know your neighbors?  We want you to reach out to at least one of your neighbors you do not currently know.  Introduce yourself and well… “Be a good neighbor.”

Bonus:  Get together with your neighbors and Map Your Neighborhood.  Although there are only a couple days left in the month to get this done, we want your commitment. Commit with us to invite at least 2 neighbors over and start a conversation about being prepared for emergencies.

LETS START A CONVERSATION!  Add the following “Twibbon” to your Facebook, or Twitter Profile Picture!!  Thanks to our friends at Sacramento County Office  Emergency Services, with a couple clicks you can show your support for National Preparedness Month!!  Click the picture to add the Twibbon to your accounts!!


PROOF OF COMPLETION:  There are 4 ways you can complete this task:

  1. Leave a comment with your answer in it on our blog below
  2. Email us at info@30Days30ways.com
  3. Put your answer on our Facebook Fan Page or
  4. Provide the answer on Twitter (Please include @30Days_30ways or hashtag #30Days30Ways in any tweets.